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The Department of Electrical Engineering, Aligarh Muslim University is organizing an "International Conference on Power, Instrumentation, Energy, and Control (PIECON-2023)". PIECON-2023 is supported by DRS-SAP, UGC and will provide an excellent platform to the researchers to present their research work. We are expecting high-quality research papers from researchers around the globe in the area of Electrical Engineering with more focus on the Microgrid and Microgrid controllers. Keynote lectures will also be delivered in the conference by renowned researchers and scientists of international repute.
Aligarh Muslim University (AMU) is a distinguished University at the International level. It was founded by a great social reformer Sir Syed Ahmed Khan in the form of Mohammedan Anglo Oriental College (MAO) in 1875. Later on in 1920 it was raised to the status of a Central University by An act of Parliament. The University has different faculties and more than hundred departments with about 25000 students. Over the years, the University has been providing quality education and research output. The alumni of AMU are spread throughout the World and have made their mark in every field. The university boasts of 3 MWp grid connected solar PV plant in the campus, the largest in any academic institution in India.
The department of Electrical Engineering was established in 1935 and the first graduate program started in 1940. Currently, the department is offering undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctorate programs in various specialized disciplines of electrical engineering. Faculty members have specialization in diverse fields of Electrical Engineering such as Power systems, Electrical Machines, Electrical Drives, High Voltage Engineering, Control systems, Instrumentation, Biomedical Engineering, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, and Renewable sources of Energy. Many research projects sponsored by A.I.C.T.E, U.G.C., D.S.T., C.S.T.(U.P.) have been successfully completed and many projects are going on. The department has also organized UPCON in year 2019 which is a reputed high level International Conference covering broad topics in the areas of Electrical, Computer and Electronics Engineering. UPCON2019 was organized jointly by the Zakir Husain College of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University (Uttar Pradesh), India, the Ohio State University, USA and National Power Training Institute (NPTI), Ministry of Power, Government of India.
Start of Paper Submission : 30 May, 2022
Paper Submission Deadline: 15 October, 2022
Paper Acceptance Notification: 15 November, 2022
Start of Registration: 15 November, 2022
Camera Ready Paper Deadline : 30 November, 2022
Conference Dates : 10 - 12 February, 2023
IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section
Weather Report
Aligarh Muslim University
Plagiarism Policy of IEEE
Prospective authors are encouraged to submit their paper through easy chair. The easy chair link for paper submission is provided under the "Submit" tab.
Submission must be plagiarism free and not more than six pages in IEEE format.
All accepted and presented papers of the conference by duly registered authors will be submitted to IEEE Xplore for indexing and publication.