
You can register for the conference from November 15th, 2022.


Important Instructions:

  • The registration fee is mentioned in the table below:

    Registration Type Fee for Non-IEEE Members Fee for IEEE Members
    Students INR 3500 INR 2500
    Academicians INR 6000 INR 5000
    Industry INR 8000 INR 6000
    Foreign Delegates 200 USD 125 USD


    STEP 1: PAYMENT: Make the payment on the following bank account:

    The Bank account details of the conference will be shared soon.

    Name of the Bank:

    Branch of the Bank:

    Branch Code:

    Account Type:

    Account Name:

    Account Number:



    Bank Address:

    UPI ID:

    UPI Payment Barcode:


    STEP 2: FILL THE REGISTRATION FORM: Fill the registration form using the link given above. You will be asked to fill in the payment transaction details in the registration form. You will recieve a registration ID after filling the registration form.


    STEP 3: EMAIL THE PAYMENT RECEIPT: Email the snapshot of the payment receipt along with your registration ID at [email protected]. Please write the subject of email as:

    Payment receipt for Registration ID <YOUR REGISTRATION ID>.

    We will send you the confirmation email after verification of payment details.