Submit Paper

Instructions to authors for Paper Submission

For submission of papers, authors are adviced to proceed through following steps:

  • STEP 1: Read the guidelines below and Submit the declaration given at the bottom of the page.

  • STEP 2: Submit pdf and LaTeX/Word copy of your paper through easy chair link given below after the declaration form.

  • STEP 3: Register for the conference. Please see this registration link for registration process.


  1. The paper should follow IEEE  conference format (A4 size) maximum of six (6) printed pages and submitted as pdf as well as in LaTeX/Word format.

  2. Each paper must be original and unpublished work, has not been submitted for other publication elsewhere.

  3. All papers submitted must follow the IEEE Conference format which can be downloaded from the following link [IEEE Paper Template]

  4. The conference reserves the right to exclude those papers from the conference publications which are either longer than six pages or not IEEE complaint in any way as per IEEE guidelines. Please click here for the [ IEEE Guidelines for the authors]

  5. The papers will be checked for plagiarism according to IEEE guidelines. For further details please see [ Plagiarism Policy of IEEE]

  6. Before creating PDF proof read your source document thoroughly to confirm that it will require no revision.

  7. If a paper is accepted, at least one author need to register and present the paper.


Please fill the following declaration before proceeding towards the paper submission through easy chair.
I have read the Instructions to authors